U.S. Automotive Service & Repair Database

Access 190,504 contact records with emails from businesses nationwide, all categorized under SIC Codes 7538, 7539, 7549, and 7537. This extensive database serves diverse purposes, including marketing, networking, and research initiatives.

Explore Our U.S. Automotive Service & Repair Database

Gain access to our comprehensive US Automotive Service & Repair Database, featuring 190,504 contact records with emails sourced from businesses related to SIC Code 7538, 7539, 7549, and 7537 across the nation. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your marketing strategies, expand your professional network, conduct valuable research, or explore job opportunities, this extensive database provides the essential data you need.
Nationwide Coverage

With contact records spanning all 50 states, including the District of Columbia, our database offers expansive coverage to reach automotive service and repair businesses nationwide.

Targeted Marketing

Utilize detailed contact information to tailor your marketing campaigns, reaching the right audience with precision and effectiveness.

Versatile Applications

Whether you're a business looking to promote products or services, a professional seeking networking opportunities, or a researcher exploring industry trends, our database caters to diverse needs.

Unlocking In-Depth Insights

Unlock the potential of our US Automotive Service & Repair Database today and take your marketing efforts to new heights.

Company Name

Contact Name

Email Address

Street Address



Zip Code


Area Code

Phone Number

Website URL

Number of Employees

Annual Revenue

SIC Code

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Within 24 hours, you will receive a confirmation email containing secure links to download a single database or a collection of the acquired databases.